December 24, 2020 - Christmas Eve Worship - Our Savior Lutheran Church of Twin Falls
Christ our Savior is Born!
Join with members and friends of the congregation in worshiping the newborn King, Jesus!
Hear the ancient story told by voices young and old. Sing along with well-known carols and maybe learn one that is new!
Bring out your candles and prepare a sacred space in your home - sharing the light of your candle during the hymn Silent Night.
May the Prince of Peace bless you with faith, hope and love in the New Year!
Portions of this liturgy are from Sundays and Season copyright 2020 Augsburg Fortress.
Intercessory prayers are adapted from Worship in the Home.
Words of Welcome adapted from “A Christmas Proclamation During a Pandemic, by Mary Beth Smith-Gunn, used with permission.
1. Come Now, O Prince of Peace is used by permission for streaming/podcast under One License # 713862.
2. Instrumental arrangement and accompaniment for Of the Father's Love Begotten are copyright Rick Betts, used with permission.
3. Instrumental arrangement of the prelude, A King is Born, is copyright Leila Viss, used with permission.
4. The remainder of the carols and hymns are in the public domain.
Art - still and video:
2. Members and friends of the congregation.
(Full credits are included at the conclusion of the video).